Engagement / Membership

Membership Benefits

  • Increase professional network among colleagues from around the world who are engaged in other airport management areas of expertise and disciplines.
  • Enhance leadership and professional skills.
  • Contribute to advancing the airport management profession.
  • Leverage and disseminate developing and current airport business best practices.
  • Share knowledge and skills within the airport organization, stakeholders, and the broader community.
  • Priority access and discounts to participate in IAP CoP and select industry events (e.g., Airport Labs, SMART Airports).
  • Exclusive invitation to speak at a select industry event.
  • Invitation to publish a paper/article in a specialized world industry publication.
  • Run for one of the annual IAP CoP awards (Distinguished Leader, Future Leader, IAP of the Year).
  • Vote in IAP CoP Board elections.
  • Run for office to occupy one of the IAP CoP Board Member seats.

Pay/Renew your IAP CoP Membership

Pay 225 USD by Wire Transfer:
Bank name and address: RBC Royal Bank, Main Branch Montreal,
1 Place Ville Marie, Ground Flr, Montreal, Qc, H3C 3B5
SWIFT: ROYCCAT2  or  ABA: 021000021
PAY TO Beneficiary/Recipient: Aviation Strategies International – IAP CoP
Beneficiary/Recipient Account Number: 00001 0003 4045274

Pay 225 USD Online:
IMPORTANT: State the full name for whom you are making the purchase.

Enter full name:

Are you an IAP CoP member in good standing?

Your membership is valid from January 1st to December 31st of each year.

If you are not sure about the validity of your membership, please contact us.

New Member to the IAP Community?

Please fill your membership form before sending your fees.